Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The National Debt... Helping the wealthy get richer since 1776

As I continue my digression, I decided to make a political post.  

This is what doen't make sense to me:  Everyone knows that people learn by example.  Government leaders tell Americans that they need to be financially wiser, stay out of debt, etc.  But what is the national debt?  Over $10 trillion.  What America is really lacking are good examples to follow from leaders in positions of power.   What happened to integrity?  Honesty?  Must we constantly have to worry about corruption and scandal?

National Debt Clock

Perhaps it is because it is the wealthy and those in control who profit.  They understand the policies the most (and how to get around them), where the money is going, and how to benefit.  THEY REALIZE THAT LOWERING THE NATIONAL DEBT MEANS LESS CASH FLOW TO THEM.  While lower and middle class may be in debt to companies, the US is in debt to other countries and the rich.  How terrible.

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